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Protocol Documentation

This page documents the Protobuf Services and Messages which compose the Trinsic API.



Service - TrustRegistry

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
RegisterMember RegisterMemberRequest RegisterMemberResponse Register an authoritative issuer for a credential schema
UnregisterMember UnregisterMemberRequest UnregisterMemberResponse Removes an authoritative issuer for a credential schema from the trust registry
GetMemberAuthorizationStatus GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest GetMemberAuthorizationStatusResponse Fetch the status of a member for a given credential schema in a trust registry
ListAuthorizedMembers ListAuthorizedMembersRequest ListAuthorizedMembersResponse Fetch the ecosystem's authorized issuers and the respective templates against which it can issue
GetMember GetMemberRequest GetMemberResponse Get member for a given did in a trust registry


Field Type Description
did string
authorized_member_schemas AuthorizedMemberSchema[]


Field Type Description
schema_uri string
status string
status_details string
valid_from uint64
valid_until uint64


Request to fetch member status in Trust Registry for a specific credential schema.

Field Type Description
did_uri string DID URI of member
schema_uri string URI of credential schema associated with member


Response to GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest

Field Type Description
status RegistrationStatus Status of member for given credential schema


Request to get a member of the Trust Registry

Field Type Description
did_uri string DID URI of member to get
wallet_id string Trinsic Wallet ID of member to get
email string Email address of member to get. Must be associated with an existing Trinsic account.


Response to GetMemberAuthorizationStatusRequest

Field Type Description
authorized_member AuthorizedMember Member for given did in given framework


Field Type Description
schema_uri string id of schema that needs to be checked
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results, from previous ListAuthorizedMembersResponse


Response to ListAuthorizedMembersRequest

Field Type Description
authorized_members AuthorizedMember[] JSON string containing array of resultant objects
has_more_results bool Whether more data is available to fetch for query
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results via ListAuthorizedMembersRequest


Request to register a member as a valid issuer of a specific credential schema. Only one of did_uri, wallet_id, or email may be specified.

Field Type Description
did_uri string DID URI of member to register
wallet_id string Trinsic Wallet ID of member to register
email string Email address of member to register. Must be associated with an existing Trinsic account.
schema_uri string URI of credential schema to register member as authorized issuer of
valid_from_utc uint64 Unix Timestamp member is valid from. Member will not be considered valid before this timestamp.
valid_until_utc uint64 Unix Timestamp member is valid until. Member will not be considered valid after this timestamp.


Response to RegisterMemberRequest


Request to unregister a member as a valid issuer of a specific credential schema. Only one of did_uri, wallet_id, or email may be specified. The URI of the credential schema must be specified.

Field Type Description
did_uri string DID URI of member to unregister
wallet_id string Trinsic Wallet ID of member to unregister
email string Email address of member to unregister. Must be associated with an existing Trinsic account.
schema_uri string URI of credential schema to unregister member as authorized issuer of


Response to UnregisterMemberRequest


Name Number Description
CURRENT 0 Member is currently authorized, as of the time of the query
EXPIRED 1 Member's authorization has expired
TERMINATED 2 Member has voluntarily ceased Issuer role under the specific EGF
REVOKED 3 Member authority under specific EGF was terminated by the governing authority
NOT_FOUND 10 Member is not associated with given credential schema in the EGF




Field Type Description
active bool Is this annotation active
message string Custom annotation message to provide


Field Type Description
anonymous bool Whether the service endpoint allows anonymous (no auth token necessary) authentication This is used by the protoc-gen-trinsic-sdk plugin for metadata.
ignore bool Whether the SDK template generator should ignore this method. This method will be wrapped manually.
no_arguments bool Whether the SDK template generator should generate this method without arguments, eg ProviderService.GetEcosystemInfo() where the request object is empty
experimental AnnotationOption This endpoint is experimental. Consider it in beta, so documentation may be incomplete or incorrect.
deprecated AnnotationOption This endpoint is deprecated. It will be removed in the future.

File-level Extensions

Extension Type Base Number Description
optional bool .google.protobuf.FieldOptions 60000 Whether field is optional in Trinsic's backend. This is not the same as an optional protobuf label; it only impacts documentation generation for the field.
sdk_template_option SdkTemplateOption .google.protobuf.MethodOptions 60001



Service - VerifiableCredential

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
IssueFromTemplate IssueFromTemplateRequest IssueFromTemplateResponse Sign and issue a verifiable credential from a pre-defined template. This process will also add schema validation and revocation registry values to the credential.
CheckStatus CheckStatusRequest CheckStatusResponse Check credential status in the revocation registry
UpdateStatus UpdateStatusRequest UpdateStatusResponse Update credential status by setting the revocation value
CreateProof CreateProofRequest CreateProofResponse Create a proof from a signed document that is a valid verifiable credential and contains a signature from which a proof can be derived.
VerifyProof VerifyProofRequest VerifyProofResponse Verifies a proof by checking the signature value, and if possible schema validation, revocation status, and issuer status against a trust registry
Send SendRequest SendResponse Sends a document directly to a user's email within the given ecosystem
CreateCredentialOffer CreateCredentialOfferRequest CreateCredentialOfferResponse Create credential offer
AcceptCredential AcceptCredentialRequest AcceptCredentialResponse Accept an offer to exchange a credential
RejectCredential RejectCredentialRequest RejectCredentialResponse Reject an offer to exchange a credential


Field Type Description
document_json string The JSON document that contains the credential offer
item_id string The ID of the credential offer (Parameter ID inside the JSON document)


Field Type Description
item_id string The ID of the item in the wallet that contains the issued credential
document_json string The JSON document that contains the issued credential. This item is already stored in the wallet.


Request to check a credential's revocation status

Field Type Description
credential_status_id string Credential Status ID to check. This is not the same as the credential's ID.


Response to CheckStatusRequest

Field Type Description
revoked bool The credential's revocation status


Field Type Description
template_id string ID of template to use
values_json string JSON document string with keys corresponding to the fields of the template referenced by template_id
holder_binding bool If true, the credential will be issued with holder binding by specifying the holder DID in the credential subject
include_governance bool If true, the issued credential will contain an attestation of the issuer's membership in the ecosystem's Trust Registry.
generate_share_url bool If true, a short URL link will be generated that can be used to share the credential offer with the holder. This link will point to the credential offer in the wallet app.
signature_type SignatureType The type of signature to use when signing the credential. Defaults to EXPERIMENTAL.


Field Type Description
document_json string The JSON document that contains the credential offer
share_url string If requested, a URL that can be used to share the credential offer with the holder. This is a short URL that can be used in a QR code and will redirect the holder to the credential offer using the wallet app.


Request to create a proof for a Verifiable Credential using public key tied to caller. Either item_id, or document_json may be provided, not both.

Field Type Description
reveal_document_json string A valid JSON-LD frame describing which fields should be revealed in the generated proof. If unspecified, all fields in the document will be revealed
reveal_template RevealTemplateAttributes Information about what sections of the document to reveal
verification_template_id string Id of verification template with which to construct the JSON-LD proof document
item_id string ID of wallet item stored in a Trinsic cloud wallet
document_json string A valid JSON-LD Verifiable Credential document string with an unbound signature. The proof will be derived from this document directly. The document will not be stored in the wallet.
use_verifiable_presentation bool Wrap the output in a verifiable presentation. If the credential used in the proof is bound to the holder DID, the output will always use a verifiable presentation and this field will be ignored.
nonce bytes Nonce value used to derive the proof. If not specified, a random nonce will be generated. This value may be represented in base64 format in the proof model.


Response to CreateProofRequest

Field Type Description
proof_document_json string Valid JSON-LD proof for the specified credential


Request to create and sign a JSON-LD Verifiable Credential from a template using public key tied to caller

Field Type Description
template_id string ID of template to use
values_json string JSON document string with keys corresponding to the fields of the template referenced by template_id
save_copy bool Save a copy of the issued credential to this user's wallet. This copy will only contain the credential data, but not the secret proof value. Issuers may use this data to keep track of the details for revocation status.
expiration_date string The ISO8601 expiration UTC date of the credential. This is a reserved field in the VC specification. If specified, the issued credential will contain an expiration date.
include_governance bool If true, the issued credential will contain an attestation of the issuer's membership in the ecosystem's Trust Registry.
signature_type SignatureType The type of signature to use when signing the credential. Defaults to EXPERIMENTAL.


Response to IssueFromTemplateRequest

Field Type Description
document_json string Verifiable Credential document, in JSON-LD form, constructed from the specified template and values; signed with public key tied to caller of IssueFromTemplateRequest


Field Type Description
document_json string The JSON document that contains the credential offer
item_id string The ID of the credential offer (Parameter ID inside the JSON document)



Field Type Description
template_attributes string[] A list of document attributes to reveal. If unset, all attributes will be returned.


Request to send a document to another user's wallet

Field Type Description
email string Email address of user to whom you'll send the item
wallet_id string Wallet ID of the recipient within the ecosystem
did_uri string DID URI of the recipient
phone_number string SMS of user to whom you'll send the item
send_notification bool Send email notification that credential has been sent to a wallet
document_json string JSON document to send to recipient


Response to SendRequest


Request to update a credential's revocation status

Field Type Description
credential_status_id string Credential Status ID to update. This is not the same as the credential's ID.
revoked bool New revocation status of credential


Response to UpdateStatusRequest


Result of a validation check on a proof

Field Type Description
is_valid bool Whether this validation check passed
messages string[] If validation failed, contains messages explaining why


Request to verify a proof

Field Type Description
proof_document_json string JSON-LD proof document string to verify


Response to VerifyProofRequest

Field Type Description
is_valid bool Whether all validations in validation_results passed
validation_results VerifyProofResponse.ValidationResultsEntry[] Results of each validation check performed, such as schema conformance, revocation status, signature, etc. Detailed results are provided for failed validations.


Field Type Description
key string
value ValidationMessage


Name Number Description
UNSPECIFIED 0 The signature type is not specified. The experimental signature type will be used.
STANDARD 1 The signature type uses EdDSA with the Ed25519 curve (NIST compliant). This type of signature does not support selective disclosure of attributes.
EXPERIMENTAL 2 The signature type uses BBS signatures with BLS12-381 curve (experimental). This type of signature allows for selective disclosure of attributes.



Service - CredentialTemplates

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
Create CreateCredentialTemplateRequest CreateCredentialTemplateResponse Create a credential template in the current ecosystem
Get GetCredentialTemplateRequest GetCredentialTemplateResponse Fetch a credential template by ID
Update UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest UpdateCredentialTemplateResponse Update metadata of a template
List ListCredentialTemplatesRequest ListCredentialTemplatesResponse Search credential templates using SQL, returning strongly-typed template data
Search SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse Search credential templates using SQL, returning raw JSON data
Delete DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest DeleteCredentialTemplateResponse Delete a credential template from the current ecosystem by ID
CreateVerificationTemplate CreateVerificationTemplateRequest CreateVerificationTemplateResponse Create/update verification templates
ListVerificationTemplates ListVerificationTemplatesRequest ListVerificationTemplatesResponse
GetVerificationTemplate GetVerificationTemplateRequest GetVerificationTemplateResponse
UpdateVerificationTemplate UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest UpdateVerificationTemplateResponse
DeleteVerificationTemplate DeleteVerificationTemplateRequest DeleteVerificationTemplateResponse


Configuration options for Apple Wallet when

Field Type Description
background_color string Background color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet.
foreground_color string Foreground color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet.
label_color string Label color, in hex format, of credential when stored in an Apple Wallet.
primary_field string The ID of the template field which should be used as the primary field of a credential.
secondary_fields string[] The secondary fields of the credential. This is a mapping between the order of a secondary field (0 or 1) and the field name.
auxiliary_fields string[] The auxiliary fields of the credential. This is a mapping between the order of an auxiliary field (0 or 1) and the field name.


Request to create a new template

Field Type Description
name string Name of new template. Must be a unique identifier within its ecosystem.
fields CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry[] Fields which compose the template
allow_additional_fields bool Whether credentials may be issued against this template which have fields not specified in fields
title string Human-readable name of template
description string Human-readable description of template
field_ordering CreateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry[] Optional map describing how to order and categorize the fields within the template. The key of this map is the field name. If not provided, this will be auto-generated.
apple_wallet_options AppleWalletOptions Options for rendering the template in Apple Wallet


Field Type Description
key string
value FieldOrdering


Field Type Description
key string
value TemplateField


Response to CreateCredentialTemplateRequest

Field Type Description
data TemplateData Created template


Field Type Description
name string Name of new template. Must be a unique identifier within its ecosystem.
fields CreateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry[] Fields which will be required in the verification proof template

TODO - Add support for predicate types - currently only equality. | | credential_template_id | string | Source credential template, used for verifying that the specified fields are present in the credential template | | title | string | Human-readable name of template | | description | string | Human-readable description of template |


Field Type Description
key string
value VerificationTemplateField


Field Type Description
data VerificationTemplateData


Request to delete a template by ID

Field Type Description
id string ID of template to delete


Response to DeleteCredentialTemplateRequest


Field Type Description
verification_template_id string


This space intentionally left blank


Ordering information for a template field

Field Type Description
order int32 The order of the field; must be unique within the Template. Fields are sorted by order ascending when displaying a credential. Field orders must be contiguous from 0 to the number of fields minus 1.
section string The human-readable name of the section this field appears in; used to group together fields when displaying a credential. Sections must be contiguous with respect to order.


Request to fetch a template by ID

Field Type Description
id string ID of template to fetch


Response to GetCredentialTemplateRequest

Field Type Description
template TemplateData Template fetched by ID


Request to fetch a template by ID

Field Type Description
id string ID of template to fetch


Response to GetCredentialTemplateRequest

Field Type Description
template VerificationTemplateData Template fetched by ID


Request to list templates using a SQL query

Field Type Description
query string SQL query to execute. Example: SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'
continuation_token string Token provided by previous ListCredentialTemplatesResponse if more data is available for query


Response to ListCredentialTemplatesRequest

Field Type Description
templates TemplateData[] Templates found by query
has_more_results bool Whether more results are available for this query via continuation_token
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results via ListCredentialTemplatesRequest


Request to list templates using a SQL query

Field Type Description
query string SQL query to execute. Example: SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'
continuation_token string Token provided by previous ListCredentialTemplatesResponse if more data is available for query


Field Type Description
templates VerificationTemplateData[] Templates found by query
has_more_results bool Whether more results are available for this query via continuation_token
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results via ListVerificationTemplatesRequest


Request to search templates using a SQL query

Field Type Description
query string SQL query to execute. Example: SELECT * FROM c WHERE = 'Diploma'
continuation_token string Token provided by previous SearchCredentialTemplatesResponse if more data is available for query


Response to SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest

Field Type Description
items_json string Raw JSON data returned from query
has_more_results bool Whether more results are available for this query via continuation_token
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results via SearchCredentialTemplatesRequest


Credential Template

Field Type Description
id string Template ID
name string Template name
version int32 Template version number
fields TemplateData.FieldsEntry[] Fields defined for the template
allow_additional_fields bool Whether credentials issued against this template may contain fields not defined by template
schema_uri string URI pointing to template JSON schema document
ecosystem_id string ID of ecosystem in which template resides
type string Template type (VerifiableCredential)
created_by string ID of template creator
date_created string Date when template was created as ISO 8601 utc string
title string Human-readable template title
description string Human-readable template description
field_ordering TemplateData.FieldOrderingEntry[] Map describing how to order and categorize the fields within the template. The key of this map is the field name.
apple_wallet_options AppleWalletOptions Options for rendering the template in Apple Wallet


Field Type Description
key string
value FieldOrdering


Field Type Description
key string
value TemplateField


A field defined in a template

Field Type Description
title string Human-readable name of the field
description string Human-readable description of the field
optional bool Whether this field may be omitted when a credential is issued against the template
type FieldType The type of the field
uri_data UriFieldData How to deal with this URI field when rendering credential. Only use if type is URI.


A patch to apply to an existing template field

Field Type Description
title string Human-readable name of the field
description string Human-readable description of the field
uri_data UriFieldData How to deal with this URI field when rendering credential. Only use if type is URI.


Request to update display information for a template

Field Type Description
id string ID of Template to update
title string New human-readable title of Template
description string New human-readable description of Template
fields UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry[] Fields to update within the Template
field_ordering UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest.FieldOrderingEntry[] New field ordering options. See documentation for template creation for usage information.
apple_wallet_options AppleWalletOptions New Apple Wallet configuration


Field Type Description
key string
value FieldOrdering


Field Type Description
key string
value TemplateFieldPatch


Response to UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest

Field Type Description
updated_template TemplateData The Template after the update has been applied


Field Type Description
id string ID of Template to update
title string New human-readable title of Template
description string New human-readable description of Template
fields UpdateVerificationTemplateRequest.FieldsEntry[] Fields to update within the Template


Field Type Description
key string
value VerificationTemplateFieldPatch


Field Type Description
template VerificationTemplateData


Data pertaining to a URI Field

Field Type Description
mime_type string Expected MIME Type of content pointed to by URI. Can be generic (eg, "image/") or specific ("image/png"). Defaults to "application/octet-stream".
render_method UriRenderMethod How to display the URI value when rendering a credential.


Verification Template

Field Type Description
id string Template ID
name string Template name
version int32 Template version number
fields VerificationTemplateData.FieldsEntry[] Fields defined for the template
credential_template_id string Source credential template, used for verifying that the specified fields are present in the credential template
ecosystem_id string ID of ecosystem in which template resides
type string Template type (VerificationTemplate)
created_by string ID of template creator
date_created string Date when template was created as ISO 8601 utc string
title string Human-readable template title
description string Human-readable template description


Field Type Description
key string
value VerificationTemplateField


A field defined in a template

Field Type Description
field_share_type VerificationShareType Whether this field may be omitted on proof creation
usage_policy string User-facing explanation of what is done with this data

TODO - Future work supporting proof conditionals/ranges/etc |


A patch to apply to an existing template field

Field Type Description
field_share_type VerificationShareType Human-readable name of the field
usage_policy string User-facing explanation of what is done with this data


Valid types for credential fields

Name Number Description


How to display a URI value when rendering a credential.

Name Number Description
TEXT 0 Display URI as text
LINK 1 Display URI as a clickable link
INLINE_IMAGE 2 Display URI as an inline image. Only takes effect if the template field's MIME Type is an image type.


Name Number Description



Service - Connect

The Connect service provides access to Trinsic Connect, a reusable identity verification service.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
CreateSession CreateSessionRequest CreateSessionResponse Create an IDVSession
CancelSession CancelSessionRequest CancelSessionResponse Cancel an IDVSession
GetSession GetSessionRequest GetSessionResponse Get an IDVSession
ListSessions ListSessionsRequest ListSessionsResponse List IDVSessions created by the calling wallet
HasValidCredential HasValidCredentialRequest HasValidCredentialResponse Checks if the identity provided in the request has a wallet containing a valid reusable credential


Request to cancel an Identity Verification Session

Field Type Description
idv_session_id string The ID of the IDVSession to cancel


Response to CancelIDVSessionRequest

Field Type Description
session IDVSession The IDVSession in its current state after cancellation


Request to create an Identity Verification Session

Field Type Description
verifications RequestedVerification[] Array of verifications to perform
debug_information CreateSessionRequest.DebugInformationEntry[] Debugging information used to help diagnose issues


Field Type Description
key string
value string


Response to CreateIDVSessionRequest

Field Type Description
session IDVSession The created IDVSession


Field Type Description
type VerificationType The type of verification for which the credential can be used

Name of the IDV issuer |


Request to get an IDVSession

Field Type Description
idv_session_id string The ID of the IDVSession to get


Response to GetIDVSessionRequest

Field Type Description
session IDVSession The IDVSession


Selection of fields to retrieve from a Government ID. All fields default to false unless explicitly set to true.

Field Type Description
id_number bool ID number of the underlying identity document
given_name bool Given ("first") name of the document holder
family_name bool Family ("last") name of the document holder
address bool Full address of the document holder
date_of_birth bool Date of birth of the document holder
country bool ISO3 country code of the document
issue_date bool Issuance date of the document
expiration_date bool Expiration date date of the document


Options for a Verification of type GOVERNMENT_ID

Field Type Description
fields GovernmentIDFields The fields to retrieve from the Government ID. If this object is not set, all fields will be retrieved.


Request to preemptively check if an identity has a valid reusable credential

Field Type Description
identity services.universalwallet.v1.CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity The identity used to find a credential
credential_request_data CredentialRequestData The criteria used to find a valid credential


Response to HasValidCredentialRequest

Field Type Description
has_valid_credential bool Whether the identity has a valid credential


An Identity Verification Session

Field Type Description
id string The ID of the IDVSession.
client_token string The Client Token for this IDVSession. This should be passed to your frontend to initiate the IDV flow using Trinsic's Web SDK.
state IDVSessionState State of the IDVSession
verifications IDVSession.VerificationsEntry[] The actual Verifications to perform in this IDV flow
fail_code SessionFailCode The reason for the IDVSession's failure. Only set if state is IDV_FAILED.
result_vp string The resultant signed VP combining the results of all verifications
created fixed64 The unix timestamp, in seconds, that this IDVSession was created
updated fixed64 The unix timestamp, in seconds, that this IDVSession's state was last updated


Field Type Description
key string
value Verification


Request to list all IDVSessions you've created

Field Type Description
order_by SessionOrdering The field by which sessions should be sorted. Defaults to CREATED.
order_direction services.common.v1.OrderDirection The order in which sessions should be sorted. Defaults to ASCENDING.
page_size int32 The number of results to return per page. Must be between 1 and 10, inclusive. Defaults to 10.
page int32 The page index of results to return. Starts at 1. Defaults to 1.


Response to ListIDVSessionsRequest

Field Type Description
sessions IDVSession[] The sessions you've created
total int32 The total number of sessions you've created
more bool If true, this is not the last page of results. If false, this is the last page of results.


Field Type Description
id_number string The ID number of the underlying identity document
given_name string Given ("first") name of the document holder
family_name string Family ("last") name of the document holder
address string Full address of the document holder
date_of_birth string Date of birth of the document holder
country string ISO3 country code of the document
issue_date string Issuance date of the document
expiration_date string Expiration date date of the document


A verification to perform in an IDV flow

Field Type Description
type VerificationType The type of verification to perform
government_id_options GovernmentIDOptions Options for a Verification of type GOVERNMENT_ID


A Verification that is part of an IDVSession

Field Type Description
id string The ID of the verification
type VerificationType The type of verification (driver's license, passport, proof of address, etc)
state VerificationState The state of the verification
fail_code VerificationFailCode The reason for the Verification's failure. Only set if state is VERIFICATION_FAILED.
reused bool Whether this was a reused (true) or fresh (false) verification. If state is not VERIFICATION_SUCCESS, this field is false and does not convey useful information.
begun fixed64 The unix timestamp, in seconds, when this verification was begun by the user -- or 0 if not yet begun.
updated fixed64 The unix timestamp, in seconds, when this verification last changed state -- or 0 if it has not yet begun.
government_id_options GovernmentIDOptions The Government ID options for this Verification. Only set if this Verification is of type GOVERNMENT_ID.
normalized_government_id_data NormalizedGovernmentIdData Normalized output for manual parsing and usage for this verification Only set if this Verification is of type GOVERNMENT_ID and has succeeded.


The states a VerificationSession can be in

Name Number Description
IDV_CREATED 0 Session has been created, but not yet shown to user
IDV_INITIATED 1 Session has been shown to user (iframe / popup opened), but user has not yet logged in.
IDV_AUTHENTICATING 2 User has entered their phone number, but not yet authenticated with the code sent via SMS
IDV_IN_PROGRESS 3 User has been authenticated and is performing identity verification
IDV_SUCCESS 4 Session was completed successfully and IDV data is available to RP
IDV_FAILED 5 The session failed; reason is present in fail_code.


The specific reason an IDVSession is in the Failed state

Name Number Description
SESSION_FAIL_NONE 0 The Session is not in a failure state.
SESSION_FAIL_INTERNAL 1 An internal Trinsic error caused this session to fail
SESSION_FAIL_VERIFICATION_FAILED 2 The session failed because one or more of the verifications failed. The reason for the failure is present in the fail_reason field of the relevant Verification object(s).
SESSION_FAIL_AUTHENTICATION 3 The session failed because the user failed to authenticate with their phone number too many times.
SESSION_FAIL_EXPIRED 4 The session expired
SESSION_FAIL_USER_CANCELED 5 The user canceled / rejected the session
SESSION_FAIL_RP_CANCELED 6 The RP canceled the session


Controls how sessions are ordered in ListSessions

Name Number Description
CREATED 0 Order sessions according to when they were created
UPDATED 1 Order sessions according to when they last changed state
STATE 2 Order sessions according to their numerical state


The specific reason a Verification is in the Failed state

Name Number Description
VERIFICATION_FAIL_NONE 0 The verification is not in a failure state
VERIFICATION_FAIL_INTERNAL 1 An internal Trinsic error caused this verification to fail
VERIFICATION_FAIL_INVALID_IMAGE 2 The image(s) provided for this verification were either too low-quality, not of the correct type, or otherwise unable to be processed. This failure reason is non-terminal; the user is able to retry the verification.
VERIFICATION_FAIL_INAUTHENTIC 3 The identity data/images provided are suspected to be inauthentic, fraudulent, or forged.
VERIFICATION_FAIL_UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT 4 The document provided is either of an unsupported type, or from an unsupported country.


The states an individual Verification can be in

Name Number Description
VERIFICATION_PENDING 0 This verification has not yet been performed in the flow
VERIFICATION_PENDING_REUSE 1 This verification has been started by the user, and can be reused from a previous verification, but the user has not yet decided whether to reuse it.
VERIFICATION_STARTED 2 This verification has been started by the user, but not yet completed
VERIFICATION_SUCCESS 3 This verification has been successfully completed
VERIFICATION_FAILED 4 This verification has failed


The type of verification to perform

Name Number Description
GOVERNMENT_ID 0 Government-issued ID (driver's license, passport, etc)




Account registration details

Field Type Description
name string Account name
email string Deprecated. Email address of account.
sms string Deprecated. SMS number including country code


Device profile containing sensitive authentication data. This information should be stored securely

Field Type Description
profile_type string The type of profile, used to differentiate between protocol schemes or versions
auth_data bytes Auth data containg information about the current device access
auth_token bytes Secure token issued by server used to generate zero-knowledge proofs
protection TokenProtection Token security information about the token. If token protection is enabled, implementations must supply protection secret before using the token for authentication.


Token protection info

Field Type Description
enabled bool Indicates if token is protected using a PIN, security code, HSM secret, etc.
method ConfirmationMethod The method used to protect the token


Information about authentication tokens for a wallet

Field Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the token. This field will match the DeviceId in the WalletAuthData
description string Device name/description
date_created string Date when the token was created in ISO 8601 format


Confirmation method type for two-factor workflows

Name Number Description
None 0 No confirmation required
Email 1 Email confirmation required
Sms 2 SMS confirmation required
ConnectedDevice 3 Confirmation from a connected device is required
Other 10 Third-party method of confirmation is required



Service - FileManagement

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
UploadFile UploadFileRequest UploadFileResponse Upload a file to Trinsic's CDN
GetFile GetFileRequest GetFileResponse Fetch information about a file by its ID
DeleteFile DeleteFileRequest DeleteFileResponse Delete a file by its ID
ListFiles ListFilesRequest ListFilesResponse List files the calling account has uploaded
GetStorageStats GetStorageStatsRequest GetStorageStatsResponse Get statistics about files uploaded by the calling account


Request to delete a file from Trinsic's CDN by ID

Field Type Description
id string ID of file to delete


Response to DeleteFileRequest. Empty payload.


Contains information about a file stored in Trinsic's CDN

Field Type Description
id string ID of file, generated randomly by Trinsic on upload
uploader_id string Wallet ID of uploader
size uint32 Size, in bytes, of file
mime_type string Uploader-provided MIME type of file
uploaded string ISO 8601 timestamp of when file was uploaded to Trinsic
url string CDN URL of file


Request to fetch information about a stored file

Field Type Description
id string ID of file to fetch


Response to GetFileRequest

Field Type Description
file File File specified by id parameter of GetFileRequest.


Request to get statistics about files uploaded by this account


Response to GetStorageStatsRequest

Field Type Description
stats StorageStats Statistics about files uploaded by the calling account


Request to list files

Field Type Description
query string Query to search with. If not specified, will return the most recent 100 files.
continuation_token string Token provided by previous ListFilesRequest if more data is available for query


Response to ListFilesRequest

Field Type Description
files File[] Files found by query
has_more_results bool Whether more results are available for this query via continuation_token
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results via ListFilesRequest


Represents aggregate statistics of all files uploaded by a single issuer

Field Type Description
num_files uint32 Number of files uploaded by this account
total_size uint64 Sum total size of all files, in bytes


Request to upload a file to Trinsic's CDN

Field Type Description
contents bytes Raw content of file
mime_type string MIME type describing file contents


Response to UploadFileRequest

Field Type Description
uploaded_file File Information about newly-uploaded file




Nonce used to generate an oberon proof

Field Type Description
timestamp int64 UTC unix millisecond timestamp the request was made
request_hash bytes blake3256 hash of the request body


Field Type Description
server_endpoint string Trinsic API endpoint. Defaults to
server_port int32 Trinsic API port; defaults to 443
server_use_tls bool Whether TLS is enabled between SDK and Trinsic API; defaults to true
auth_token string Authentication token for SDK calls; defaults to empty string (unauthenticated)


The direction to order results

Name Number Description


Name Number Description


Enum of all supported DID Methods

Name Number Description
KEY 0 The did:key method -- all wallets use this by default
ION 1 The did:ion method -- Sidetree implementation on top of Bitcoin by Microsoft
INDY 2 The did:sov method -- Hyperledger Indy based by Sovrin Foundation



Service - UniversalWallet

Service for managing wallets

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetItem GetItemRequest GetItemResponse Retrieve an item from the wallet with a given item identifier
Search SearchRequest SearchResponse Search the wallet using a SQL syntax
InsertItem InsertItemRequest InsertItemResponse Insert an item into the wallet
UpdateItem UpdateItemRequest UpdateItemResponse Update an item in the wallet
DeleteItem DeleteItemRequest DeleteItemResponse Delete an item from the wallet permanently
DeleteWallet DeleteWalletRequest DeleteWalletResponse Delete a wallet and its credentials
CreateWallet CreateWalletRequest CreateWalletResponse Create a new wallet and generate an auth token for access
GetWalletInfo GetWalletInfoRequest GetWalletInfoResponse Retrieve wallet details and configuration
GetMyInfo GetMyInfoRequest GetMyInfoResponse Retrieve wallet details and configuration about the currently authenticated wallet
GetWalletFromExternalIdentity GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest GetWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse Retrieve information from an ecosystem wallet by searching for its external identity (email or phone)
GenerateAuthToken GenerateAuthTokenRequest GenerateAuthTokenResponse Generate new token for a given wallet and add it to the collection of known auth tokens. This endpoint requires authentication and will return a new token ID and auth token. Use this endpoint if you want to authorize another device, without having to share your existing auth token.
RevokeAuthToken RevokeAuthTokenRequest RevokeAuthTokenResponse Revokes a previously issued auth token and updates the collection of known auth tokens. This endpoint requires authentication.
AddExternalIdentityInit AddExternalIdentityInitRequest AddExternalIdentityInitResponse Add new external identity to the current wallet, such as email, sms, ethereum address, etc. This identity ownership must be confirmed using AddIdentityConfirm via OTP, signature, etc.
AddExternalIdentityConfirm AddExternalIdentityConfirmRequest AddExternalIdentityConfirmResponse Confirm identity added to the current wallet using AddExternalIdentityInit
RemoveExternalIdentity RemoveExternalIdentityRequest RemoveExternalIdentityResponse Remove an external identity from the current wallet
AuthenticateInit AuthenticateInitRequest AuthenticateInitResponse Sign-in to an already existing wallet, using an identity added that was previously registered This endpoint does not require authentication, and will return a challenge to be signed or verified
AuthenticateConfirm AuthenticateConfirmRequest AuthenticateConfirmResponse Confirm sign-in to an already existing wallet and return authentication token
AuthenticateResendCode AuthenticateResendCodeRequest AuthenticateResendCodeResponse Resend previous authentication code
ListWallets ListWalletsRequest ListWalletsResponse List all wallets in the ecosystem
ListByVerificationTemplate ListByVerificationTemplateRequest ListByVerificationTemplateResponse List credentials which match a given verification template


Field Type Description
challenge string The challenge received from the AddExternalIdentityInit endpoint
response string The response to the challenge. If using Email or Phone, this is the OTP code sent to the user's email or phone



Field Type Description
identity string The user identity to add to the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number])
provider services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider The type of identity provider, like EMAIL or PHONE


Field Type Description
challenge string Challenge or reference to the challenge to be used in the AddExternalIdentityConfirm endpoint


Field Type Description
challenge string The challenge received from the AcquireAuthTokenInit endpoint
response string The response to the challenge. If using Email or Phone, this is the OTP code sent to the user's email or phone


Field Type Description
auth_token string Auth token for the wallet


Field Type Description
identity string Identity to add to the wallet
provider services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider Identity provider
ecosystem_id string Ecosystem ID to which the wallet belongs


Field Type Description
challenge string The challenge received from the AcquireAuthTokenInit endpoint Pass this challenge back to the AcquireAuthTokenConfirm endpoint


Field Type Description
challenge string Challenge for the code you want resent.



Field Type Description
ecosystem_id string Ecosystem ID of the wallet to create
description string Wallet name or description. Use this field to add vendor specific information about this wallet, such as email, phone, internal ID, or anything you'd like to associate with this wallet. This field is searchable.
identity CreateWalletRequest.ExternalIdentity Optional identity to add to the wallet (email or sms). Use this field when inviting participants into an ecosystem. If this field is set, an auth token will not be sent in the response.


Field Type Description
identity string The user identity to add to the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number])
provider services.provider.v1.IdentityProvider The type of identity provider, like EMAIL or PHONE


Field Type Description
auth_token string Auth token for the newly created wallet
token_id string Token ID of the newly generated token
wallet services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration Wallet configuration


Request to delete an item in a wallet

Field Type Description
item_id string ID of item to delete


Response to DeleteItemRequest


Request to delete a wallet

Field Type Description
email string Email address of account to delete. Mutually exclusive with walletId and didUri.
wallet_id string Wallet ID of account to delete. Mutually exclusive with email and didUri.
did_uri string DID URI of the account to delete. Mutually exclusive with email and walletId.


Response to DeleteWalletRequest. Empty payload.


Field Type Description
wallet_id string
token_description string


Field Type Description
token_id string
auth_token string


Request to fetch an item from wallet

Field Type Description
item_id string ID of item in wallet


Response to GetItemRequest

Field Type Description
item_json string Item data as a JSON string
item_type string Type of item specified when item was inserted into wallet


Request to retrieve wallet information about the currently authenticated wallet


Response to GetMyInfoRequest

Field Type Description
wallet services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration Wallet configuration


Field Type Description
identity services.provider.v1.WalletExternalIdentity


Response to GetWalletFromExternalIdentityRequest

Field Type Description
wallet services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration Wallet configuration


Request to retrieve wallet information about a given wallet identified by its wallet ID

Field Type Description
wallet_id string Wallet ID of the wallet to retrieve


Response to GetWalletInfoRequest

Field Type Description
wallet services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration Wallet configuration


Request to insert a JSON document into a wallet

Field Type Description
item_json string Document to insert; must be stringified JSON
item_type string Item type (ex. "VerifiableCredential")


Response to InsertItemRequest

Field Type Description
item_id string ID of item inserted into wallet


Request to list templates by

Field Type Description
verification_template_id string ID of verification template to list matching credentials
continuation_token string Token provided by previous ListCredentialTemplatesResponse if more data is available for query


Response to ListByVerificationTemplateRequest

Field Type Description
items string[] Array of query results, as JSON strings
has_more_results bool Whether more results are available for this query via continuation_token
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results via ListByVerificationTemplateRequest


Field Type Description
filter string


Field Type Description
wallets services.provider.v1.WalletConfiguration[]


Field Type Description
identity string The user identity to remove from the wallet This can be an email address or phone number (formatted as +[country code][phone number])



Request to revoke a previously issued auth token

Field Type Description
wallet_id string Wallet ID of the wallet to from which to revoke the token
token_id string Token ID of the token to revoke



Request to search items in wallet

Field Type Description
query string SQL Query to execute against items in wallet
continuation_token string Token provided by previous SearchResponse if more data is available for query


Response to SearchRequest

Field Type Description
items string[] Array of query results, as JSON strings
has_more_results bool Whether more results are available for this query via continuation_token
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results via SearchRequest


Request to update item in wallet

Field Type Description
item_id string ID of item in wallet
item_type string Item type (ex. "VerifiableCredential")


Response to UpdateItemRequest



Service - AccessManagement

Access Management service provides methods to manage access to ecosystem resources such by assigning roles and permissions to wallet accounts

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
AddRoleAssignment AddRoleAssignmentRequest AddRoleAssignmentResponse Adds a role assignment to an account
RemoveRoleAssignment RemoveRoleAssignmentRequest RemoveRoleAssignmentResponse Removes a role assignment from the account
ListRoleAssignments ListRoleAssignmentsRequest ListRoleAssignmentsResponse List the role assignments for the given account
ListAvailableRoles ListAvailableRolesRequest ListAvailableRolesResponse List the roles available in the ecosystem


Role management

Field Type Description
role string Role to assign
email string Email address of account to assign role. Mutually exclusive with walletId and didUri.
wallet_id string Wallet ID of account to assign role to. Mutually exclusive with email and didUri.
did_uri string DID URI of the account to assign role. Mutually exclusive with email and walletId.



Request to fetch the available roles in the current ecosystem


Field Type Description
roles string[] List of roles


Request to fetch the list of roles assigned to the current account

Field Type Description
email string Email address of account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with walletId and didUri.
wallet_id string Wallet ID of account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with email and didUri.
did_uri string DID URI of the account to list roles. Mutually exclusive with email and walletId.


Field Type Description
roles string[] List of roles


Field Type Description
role string Role to unassign
email string Email address of account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with walletId and didUri.
wallet_id string Wallet ID of account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with email and didUri.
did_uri string DID URI of the account to unassign role. Mutually exclusive with email and walletId.




Service - Provider

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
CreateEcosystem CreateEcosystemRequest CreateEcosystemResponse Create new ecosystem and assign the authenticated user as owner
GetOberonKey GetOberonKeyRequest GetOberonKeyResponse Returns the public key being used to create/verify oberon tokens
UpgradeDID UpgradeDidRequest UpgradeDidResponse Upgrade a wallet's DID from did:key to another method
SearchWalletConfigurations SearchWalletConfigurationsRequest SearchWalletConfigurationResponse Search for issuers/providers/verifiers in the current ecosystem


Request to create an ecosystem

Field Type Description
name string Globally unique name for the Ecosystem. This name will be part of the ecosystem-specific URLs and namespaces. Allowed characters are lowercase letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen. If not passed, ecosystem name will be auto-generated.
description string Ecosystem description
details services.account.v1.AccountDetails The account details of the owner of the ecosystem
domain string New domain URL


Response to CreateEcosystemRequest

Field Type Description
ecosystem Ecosystem Details of the created ecosystem
profile services.account.v1.AccountProfile Account profile for auth of the owner of the ecosystem
confirmation_method services.account.v1.ConfirmationMethod Indicates if confirmation of account is required.


Details of an ecosystem

Field Type Description
id string URN of the ecosystem
name string Globally unique name for the ecosystem
description string Ecosystem description


Request to fetch information about an ecosystem


Response to InfoRequest

Field Type Description
ecosystem Ecosystem Ecosystem corresponding to current ecosystem in the account token


Request to fetch the Trinsic public key used to verify authentication token validity


Response to GetOberonKeyRequest

Field Type Description
key string Oberon Public Key as RAW base64-url encoded string


Options for creation of DID on the SOV network

Field Type Description
network IndyOptions.IndyNetwork SOV network on which DID should be published


Options for creation of DID on the ION network

Field Type Description
network IonOptions.IonNetwork ION network on which DID should be published


Field Type Description
results WalletConfiguration[] Results matching the search query
has_more_results bool Whether more results are available for this query via continuation_token
continuation_token string Token to fetch next set of results via SearchRequest


Search for issuers/holders/verifiers

Field Type Description
query_filter string SQL filter to execute. SELECT * FROM c WHERE [**queryFilter**]
continuation_token string Token provided by previous SearchResponse if more data is available for query


Request to upgrade a wallet

Field Type Description
email string Email address of account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with walletId and didUri.
wallet_id string Wallet ID of account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with email and didUri.
did_uri string DID URI of the account to upgrade. Mutually exclusive with email and walletId.
method services.common.v1.SupportedDidMethod DID Method to which wallet should be upgraded
ion_options IonOptions Configuration for creation of DID on ION network
indy_options IndyOptions Configuration for creation of DID on INDY network


Response to UpgradeDIDRequest

Field Type Description
did string New DID of wallet


Strongly typed information about wallet configurations

Field Type Description
name string Name/description of the wallet
email string Deprecated. Deprecated and will be removed on August 1, 2023 -- use external_identities. This field is set to the first email address present in external_identities, if any.
sms string Deprecated. Deprecated -- use external_identities
wallet_id string
public_did string The DID of the wallet
config_type string
auth_tokens services.account.v1.WalletAuthToken[] List of active authentication tokens for this wallet. This list does not contain the issued token, only metadata such as ID, description, and creation date.
external_identity_ids string[] Deprecated. List of external identity IDs (email addresses, phone numbers, etc.) associated with this wallet. This is deprecated; use external_identities instead.
ecosystem_id string Ecosystem in which this wallet is contained.
description string
external_identities WalletExternalIdentity[] List of external identities associated with this wallet.


An external identity (email address, phone number, etc.) associated with a wallet for authentication purposes.

Field Type Description
provider IdentityProvider The type of this identity (whether this identity is an email address, phone number, etc.)
id string The actual email address/phone number/etc. for this identity


Name Number Description
Unknown 0 Identity provider is unknown
Email 1 Identity provider is email
Phone 2 Identity provider is phone
Passkey 3 Identity provider is passkey (WebAuthn) -- for Trinsic internal use only
TrinsicAuthenticator 4 Identity provider is passkey using Trinsic Authenticator for mobile phones


Name Number Description
Danube 0
SovrinBuilder 1
SovrinStaging 2
Sovrin 3
IdUnionTest 4
IdUnion 5
IndicioTest 6
IndicioDemo 7
Indicio 8


Name Number Description
TestNet 0
MainNet 1




Configuration for Trinsic SDK Services

Field Type Description
server_endpoint string Trinsic API endpoint. Defaults to
server_port int32 Trinsic API port; defaults to 443
server_use_tls bool Whether TLS is enabled between SDK and Trinsic API; defaults to true
auth_token string Authentication token for SDK calls; defaults to empty string (unauthenticated)

Default ecosystem ID to use for various SDK calls; defaults to default string default_ecosystem = 5; |

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP
double double double float float64 double float
float float float float float32 float float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string